About Us
ZULC - Zimbabwe University Libraries Consortium
The Zimbabwe University Libraries Consortium (ZULC) was established in 2001 with an initial membership of six university libraries. It was formed to provide leadership in access to knowledge and to promote information resource sharing and networking in support of ‘human capital development’. The current membership now includes 15 full members, all universities, in addition to a number of affiliate members, including colleges and polytechnics. The consortium has a formal constitution and clearly specified vision, mission and goals which are contained in its 2014-2018 strategic plan (see page 3). The consortium is keen to expand membership beyond the traditional university and college members to include NGOs, research institutions and government departments. It is working on a recruitment strategy in order to grow over the coming years.
The Zimbabwe University Libraries Consortium (ZULC), has seen much change since it was established in 2001. Representatives of the consortium reflect on the consortium’s growth and impact, and the role that INASP has played in its development.
Mission Statement
To provide leadership in access to knowledge, information and resource-sharing through collaboration, capacity building, advocacy and networking in support of national development.
Our Core Values
Governance – Sustainable funding – Capacity building – Technological development – Changing user needs – Collaboration and partnerships – Social, economic and political environment
Our Philosophy
To be a leading consortium in
empowering teaching, learning
and research in southern Africa